Lol I took some time and actually read some of the thread and will just tell Shamhain that everyone that has some brains wouldn't consider that a proper thread. I am sorry to say but the thread's creator said two exremely contravesial statements.
First one being that Arcane nexus is violation of the NAP and then he says that if the other player is about to win for whatever reason that is not violation of the nap. I am sorry to say but Arcane Nexus is regarded Nap breaker exactly because of the opportunity that it gives to that player to win, and in no way harms other people. So the creator of that thread must have gotten something wrong since casting Arcane Nexus is almost equal to winning soon(say have 1 victory point remaining) and yet again he considers one of them violation of the nap and the other one not a violation of the nap. For me personally if you do something to harm the person you are in nap with that counts as agression. And destroying his economy is acressive act (since with that economy he buys troops) so in fact you are killing his future troops and thus being agressive against him. Overcasting a global is in my eyes definitely a break of the Nap since you destroy his economy on purpouse. Some people might argue that Casting a global when the global set is full is not violation of the nap sice it is not malicious that you wanted to take down your Nap partner's (lets call it) Global enchantment. So you had it coming the moment you overcast R'lyeh's Global if you ask me.
P.s There is another clear mistake in that persons vision of nap. He states that ANONYMOUS spells are not violation of the nap. While in fact they damage you and are malicious on purpouse.(thus being agression from his side). Tell me then Samhain if there were only two people left, having a nap.Let say you and another guy, and there comes an Anonymous spell at your capital. lets say rain of thoads, surely it wont be some of your mages casting it and thus your opponent,(with whom you have nap) had casted it. Do you see that as a non agression act?
So clearly the creator of the thread you cite was wrong and thus canno't be fully relied on, with his fake preception of what is and what isn't a violation of the nap. I am sorry but stating that some lie is the truth, because someone said it before doesn't make it the truth.