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Old May 20th, 2011, 03:48 PM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: EA Pan: What's wrong with this build?

Like others said:
1) With those scales, you won't have the money for Pans, you need more order
2) Lose some of the paths you don't need - B can be empowered, A from fairy queens, E you have on Pans
3) Since you remove these paths, rainbow is not a good choice, better use a titan then
4) Dom 6 is too low
5) Forget white centaurs, you'll need a much better bless to justify using them, use centaur warriors instead
6) It's unlikely you will have death gems for mentors, since you have none on your nationals

Pans can be nice thugs, so initial research in constr, conj, alt and ench. And you can equip them with just nature gems. Example: snake bladder stick, vine shield, boots of messenger; cast summon earthpower, ironskin, personal regen, poison resistance. Alt7 yes, but more for mass protection and marble warriors. Also, iron pigs are really nice, just watch out for their low MR. Crossbreeding is not that good, but dark vines are, plus they make fantastic bodyguards.

If you ask me, I'd take the vamp queen and slap on S5. Immortal magic dueler, can be a decent SC despite low hp and starts the vampire/vampire lord factory for you. Something like S5D2B2 Dom8 Order 2, Sloth 3, Heat 1, Growth 2, Luck 0, Magic 1. I would also take Misfortune 2 and give her some fire or water paths, but that's me (I know some people dislike misfortune).
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