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Old May 21st, 2011, 05:30 AM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: A Few Questions From a Newb

There are a couple of ways to increase the killing potential of thugs/SC's. One important thing to be aware of though, is that no matter how many attacks you have, one 'round' of attacks will only target a single square, so even with 4 arms wielding blades of swiftness, along with chi boots, horned helmet and what not, will still only net you 3 kills. (against human sized opponents.) Things to do:

* Make sure that one round of attacks can take out the square you target. Fire and frost brand weapons are popular for that, since they are quite cheap, do an elemental attack on the entire square as well as providing elemental resistance. The shadow brand actually damages several squares, but is more expensive, and doesn't provide resistances, so it's a trade off. Weapons with multiple attacks (swords of swiftness and the like) can work too, especially if you already have a bonus attack of some kind.

* Quikness gives you two rounds of attacks, thereby doubling your killing potential. Be aware though that it also doubles your fatigue by having you act twice a turn, and fatigue kills, so it's best for units with a 0 encumberance score, (Undead mainly) otherwise make sure you have reinvigoration. Often the best/easiest way to gain quickness is to forge boots of quickness, otherwise the Jade Armour works too, but it's quite heavy, so (in general) only use for 0 encumberance units. Water mages can quicken themselves, and at later levels also other friendly units through battlefield magic. Finally the water bless grants you an extra (round of) attack(s) every other round.

* Even if your heavy hitter is essentially immune to what your opponent does, battle will end in 50 turns if you're the attacker, 75 on defence. This means that even if everything goes perfect and every attack manages to clear an entire square, at most you'll be able to kill 2x3x50= 300 units. That's a LOT, but not allways enough, (especially against AI hordes) so for heavy-duty SC's designed to clear out massive hordes of chaff, it's often more efficient to work with damage shields/area effects to provide most of the damage. Several ways to acquire this: Some units (Fire Royalty for example) have an in-built damage shield. Then, there are several items that provide one. Looks like you already found the flesh ward, a staple is the charcoal shield, (Since, again it also provides fire resistance. Allways look for items to fill fultiple needs when at all possible.) there are some others. If you haven't found/used it before, try out the artifact shield: 'The Aegis', it's absolutely hilarious. (Or be a Medusa, they share the same effect.) Third, there are several spells spread out over the various paths and schools that can grant you these effects.

With the Fallen Angel you mentioned, you actually have the perfect paths to cast several of the spells in question: Fire can give you fire shield, (ench.3) blood gives Blood Vengeance. (though it's a hassle to have the necessary slaves at hand.) Probably the most powerful spell of this kind is Soul Vortex. (D3, Alt6) It does not work against lifeless opponents, and is quite fatiquing to cast, so be careful in its use, but it deals damage in a largish area around the caster as well as healing and removing fatigue at quite a large rate as long as enough (living) units are surrounding him, so it's pretty much ideal for a chaff-clearing SC against anything but skeleton hordes. (There's also an armor that provides this effect, but it's horribly expensive, as well as being poor in every other department, so really not very useful most of the time.)

As an aside, this also means that I wouldn't consider the flesh ward an optimal choice for a Fallen Angel, since it's quite redundant with the effects he can cast on himself, and is quite poor aside from the blood vengeance. There's almost certainly an armor around that can benefit you more by provideing something you don't natively have. Feel free to experiment though.
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