Re: A Few Questions From a Newb
Some units also *can* SC by casting spells to kill things, but it's a bit more dangerous. Let's use your Fallen Angel again, since you were talking about using it as a caster. The main difference between a caster SC and a melee SC is that the caster needs to have as much reinvigoration as possible, so that its spellcasting doesn't cause it to fatigue out. In most cases this almost necessitates that the caster be able to cast soul vortex to keep its batteries full. They're going to be a bit less survivable than melee SCs due to having different gear requirements and having a higher average fatigue level. So defensive buffs are important. One of the best ones for this is phoenix pyre, which happens to combine very nicely with all that reinvigoration you should have, because as long as you don't go over 100 fatigue your caster can't die. Things like fire shield or blood vengeance aren't as important now, but still not a bad idea if you don't have better buffs to cast. And if you've built a lot of fatigue at the end of your buff cycle you can end with Reinvigoration. Example buff cycle: Phoenix Pyre, Soul Vortex, Blood Vengeance, Reinvigoration, Attack Closest, Cast Spells. The angel should default to spamming flame eruption and immolate for the most part, but will randomly melee attack things and cast random spells occasionally. These sorts of casters tend to work pretty well against enormous AI armies and if a normal SC setup isn't cutting it for those 1,000 man impossible AI armies, a caster SC like that may help you whittle them down a bit faster.
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