Thread: Info updates
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Old May 23rd, 2011, 08:53 AM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: updates

There are two lists. The Patch list only lists the items which have been released in patches.

The Progress page lists everything. Including the items since the last patch.

21st May 2011
* Jack sound support in Linux.
* 2 x Crash during turn generation fixed.
* Fixed bug where AI would cast vengeance of the dead on empty provinces.

11th January 2011
* Version 3.26
* Reverted: Battles caused by random events are now resolved at the end of the random event step. This should fix any problems with barbarians attacking a sieging army due to bad luck.
* Modding: new command #heretic.
The item I mentioned at the beginning was listed under 21st May 2011
The 11th January 2011 refers to the last actually released patch

Thats all there is. Altho it HAS been known that sometimes Johan twiddles with something and forgets to list it until its discovered after release. So Im not sure what you are referring to
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