Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 9 players
Presenting World of Warhammer, Squirrel Edition:
-Significantly reduced the number of wasteland provinces
-Significantly increased the number of provinces with freshwater (basically, wherever there was a stream, most of the time adjacent provinces have freshwater now).
-Flagged as 'no start' all provinces (at least that i could find) which had fewer than 4 land neighbors.
-Changed some border mountains to mountains. (There are still a lot of border mountains). Tried to do this mostly to those that looked more mountain than not.
-Removed a couple 'many sites', but there are still tons of them. I just tried to break up some of the multiple adjacent manysites clusters, especially those near likely starting locations.
-Set starting locations and poptype specifications removed (happens automatically when you use the dom3 map editor function apparently). If people want the indie/poptype specifications back i can do that, there's only a few provinces that they were set for.
Remaining balance concerns:
-Its a lot of provinces for 9 people (but i haven't been in a truly epic game in awhile, so i guess that's ok).
-There's a lot of ocean with no UW nation. Do people want me to make the seas dead? Otherwise i predict quite a bit of silliness.
-There's a *lot* of manysite locations. Possibly cool, definitely not balanced geographically.
Edit: ok, done screwing with editing
Last edited by Squirrelloid; May 23rd, 2011 at 11:26 AM..