Thread: AI Archers
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Old May 30th, 2011, 01:44 PM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default AI Archers

I'm looking for some advice again against the AI. I've discovered that my PD (backed up by some troops on the wings) is very effective at stopping his horders of light infantry. Unfortuantely I haven't figured out an effective way of killing the hordes of short bowmen he has plinking me from behind his infantry ranks. If I use heavier infantry I can withstand it, but that consumes a lot of resources to field a large enough squad capable of avoiding envelopment by his hordes. Lighter infantry takes unacceptable losses before they reach the archers and chase them off.

I like to think that magic should be able to fry his archers, but the evoc spells mostly lack the range and the mages prefer to target closer enemies. Battlefield spells tend to cook my troops as well. Is there another option I'm missing? My latest effort was to have three mages walk in and cast earthquake, but I discovered even when they cast ironskin first the earthquake killed 2 of the three mages and only 50% of the archers, which was a bit frustrating.

I guess what I'm asking for is a more offensive way of attacking the AI, instead of waiting for him to smash himself to bits against my PD.
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