Re: MP 'Stillborn Noobs' Game 4/6 Slots Open (CBM_Still)
Dude, I am afraid that someone started your game already.(if it is the 9924 one)some random T'ien Ch'i guy joined it. What I suggest is send him a message ingame and invite him to join you on the forums and for a game.
Basically what you can do, and will be safer(no random guys will join) is to make a game at llamaserver(PBEM)
Also another suggestion(unless you insist on the cbm 1.6 vesion) is to play the latest cbm.(If you did that I will join and give you guys the advice I can(I am still relatively new to the game I have 4 games of experience and couple of blitzes))
Edit: Oh and if you insist on playing through the Dom3minions server, and you don't want people to join your game randomly you can wait till you have 6 players and then create the game and appoint a day where all of them must upload their pretenders and start the game.