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Old May 30th, 2011, 09:49 PM

marcelteaching marcelteaching is offline
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Thumbs up Re: MP 'Stillborn Noobs' Game 4/6 Slots Open (CBM_Still)

Also another suggestion(unless you insist on the cbm 1.6 vesion) is to play the latest cbm.(If you did that I will join and give you guys the advice I can(I am still relatively new to the game I have 4 games of experience and couple of blitzes))

That sounds great! The reason I did notgo with the latest version is because it was not supported on the other server. we will switch to Llamaserve and organise it from there.

BBZ, can you suggest a suitable map that would work with approximately 4-6 people? We want to keep it fairly small, I would think, and any other suggestions that would improve what we are doing here, and also, any information you have about the process would be helpful, I would think...

Last edited by marcelteaching; May 30th, 2011 at 10:03 PM..
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