June 2nd, 2011, 03:55 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: updates
OK how about these others? I really dont know what they do but Im sure they are good.
2nd June 2011
* Modding: New mod commands: #clearweapons, #cleararmor, #drainimmune.
* Modding: New site mod commands: #conjcost, #altcost, #evocost, #constcost, #enchcost, #thaucost, #bloodcost.
* Modding: New site mod commands: #holyfire, #holypower, #heal, #curse, #disease, #horrormark, #lab.
* Modding: #armor accepts numbers too.
* Modding: #custommagic can be used to created linked random magic. Chance 200 = 2 on a random path.
* Utterdark did far too many attacks, fixed.
* Maximum number of mod sprites increased 1000 -> 2000.
31st May 2011
* Recruitment queues are automatically reset once a fort is under siege.
24th May 2011
* New fullscreen resolutions e.g. 1920*1080.
21st May 2011
* Jack sound support in Linux.
* 2 x Crash during turn generation fixed.
* Fixed bug where AI would cast vengeance of the dead on empty provinces.