Re: 'Stillborn Noobs' Running
Marcel, i dont understand difference between me or third person as substituie candidate. If copyright issues would rise every time sub is needed, the very idea of substitution wouldnt exists in Dom3 MP games!
Problems with copyright that can occur with me can occur with third person as well, but i think they all are solvable - if you peak into some of llamabest`s guyde`s, there are manual about 'how to set player to AI'. In this manual admin, who is player in the same game, performs as sub for stalling player.
Therefore i can make a coclusion, that this issue is solvable. I think the crusial thing you need to do for subbing in the game, in which you`re already playing, is to delete .2h file with other nation`s turns and orders.
Well, i want to try subbing, if we dont find a sub by the time next turn resolves! when nttea will come back or we find a sub, ill give over command of a lizard nation. =)
And i still ask for turn prolongation - its turn 7, and begining is crusial now. I agree to wait for substitution if any other player needs it!
p.s. sorry for my crude English and jagged sentences...
p.p.s. Marcel, remember our talk about 'more players=more problems'? =) imagine if there was 10 players!