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Old June 22nd, 2011, 11:08 PM

Butler's Medley Butler's Medley is offline
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Default How viable is this MA Pangea strat?

I'm thinking particularly MA Pangea but I can't see why it wouldn't work for the other ages. I've read the various guides and they have plenty to say about the national carrion spells but most of them light on their reanimation abilities.

So what I'm asking, as a noob, is if it's possible to build a strategy around spamming them as cheap entry level SCs.

For an Enc6 N3D2 25 gem spell you get a sacred N3H3 45hp 19str map move 3 undead commander with fear, recuperation, stealth forest survival and 6 sleep vine attacks. To top it off you'll pick up some national H buffs along the enchantment road for quickness and regen. Blessability is also nice.

While it's hard to ignore a gorgon, and a strong bless might look sexy, I think an awake rainbow pretender for site searching might be the way to go (minor blesses still help), though a sleeping forge lord might be viable as well for all that needed kit.

The Turmoil/Luck synergy seems the way to go for this. The random gems will come in handy for forging and turmoil seems to increase the amount of freespawn maenads your pans get. In the early turns you could expand using dryads as cheap thugs (awe vs. non-archer indies) toting along some free chaff and when carrion lord is researched those thug items can be transferred. (A little more than 1/4 of your pans can forge dwarven hammers natively)

One bottleneck I can see is that carrion lord is a N3D2 spell, and while it's possible to get a pan with that it's highly unlikely (pans are E2N3 1E/N/D/B %10 1E/N/D/B) so either it's 2+D on the pretender for the booster or empower one of your 1D pans.

As a straight up fighty SC you can do better than carrion lords, but for the cheapness or placement on the research tree they seem amazing. The sleep vines, while negated by MR, will certainly help in tiring out traditional SC's (especially when fielded in numbers). The stealth means you could cause all sorts of havoc in the enemy's rear the addition of black heart could make them grade A+ assassins (forge-able by a national summons (hello luck 3), (hello recuperation) is this enough parentheses?)

Again, I'm a noob so while I'm sure if this were a viable strat. then someone would have mentioned it by now, but I'm keen to hear why it sucks the big one.

Oh, also: Gift of health is picked up on the way to Enc6

-Edited for grammar and vulgarity.-

Last edited by Butler's Medley; June 23rd, 2011 at 12:01 AM..
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