I'm currently playing MA Pan in a vanilla MP, where I am using Carrion Lords to solo Abysian PD. I really like them; however, the problem is that they need quite a bit of gear to become effective.
Sleep vines are resisted by MR, so you want to get in a lot of hits to give the opposition as many chances to fail their rolls as possible. Attack boosters are great of course; in my case a burning pearl is a no-brainer because of the 50% FR. However, a Ring of the Warrior (easy access for Pan) will do also.
Quickness is even nicer (another +3 att, +3 def, 12 vine attacks!) if you can get it, and here I would like to direct your attention to the Jade Armor. It costs only 3 E gems (w/ hammer) more than your standard boots, the 4 encumbrance doesn't bother you much because you're undead, and you get 15 much needed points of protection. Cast Regrowth at the start of the battle, and your CLs become pretty hard to take down between their 53 (not 45) HP, 15 Protection and 6 points of Regen.
Defense still isn't great, so add a vine shield to minimize the number of enemy attacks. Eventually you'll also want an Amulet of MR to guard against banishment spam. As I said, expensive.
EDIT: They'd totally rock with an F9 bless (all those attacks get additional AP fire damage that isn't resisted by MR). However, in all likelihood your pretender will remain the only person in your empire who can actually use fire magic, so that's probably a no-no.
Last edited by Pyrrhic; June 30th, 2011 at 10:37 AM..