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Old July 1st, 2011, 04:07 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Newb Impressions

Honestly, for me the micromanagement you refer to: recruiting, shipping new recruits to the front, default orders, etc is swamped by the micromanagement you'd always have to handle personally. Scripting a dozen mages for the next major battle. Rescripting them to take advantage of newly learned spells, or just for an expected change in opposition. Forging the right dozen items for next turns thugs and SCs. Making sure I have enough of the right boosters on tap to cast the spells I expect to have researched next turn.

Even in a big game, it's 5 minutes at most to recruit and schlep units around. I'll often spend an hour or more on a late game turn. Assigning orders and positions takes longer, but you'd want to change the defaults anyway.

The part of the micromanagement that you can't handle with macros is the part that keeps me out of any big MP games. It's also a big part of the depth and complexity I love about the game. This does frustrate me, but there is no easy fix for it.
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