Originally Posted by Butler's Medley
Originally Posted by JonBrave
Well, I have finally acquired a new PC, after the demise of its ancient predecessor.
It's got 8Gb memory, an i5-thingie-processor, and a sparkly NVidia gfx card. My question is, will this be sufficient for playing Dom? And will the AI utilise all the new processing capacity to come up with better strategies to beat me?
Assuming your post isn't a joke, yes it will run. It will f****** smoke Dom3, which would happily run on a 15 year old machine
Dom3 can choke up even 5 year old machines if they weren't high end gaming computers at the time. Granted, they won't do so until there are massive maps and year 5 or 6 has rolled around on them, but they can still choke them.
As for the AI, the problem there is software, not hardware. AI is still far dumber than we are even at its best, and getting to even that point is very difficult.