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Old July 23rd, 2011, 07:34 AM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: Why are Tarts so cheap

Originally Posted by Bananadine View Post
Even sans mods, Tartarians are not as good as people sometimes say, although they are quite good. I've been playing this game for four years and I still haven't ever summoned one, myself--they never quite seem to be worth it, when I could just save up a little longer and get a wonderful wonderful demilich! And also, when any old golem with quickness, a ring of the warrior, and a holy scourge can kill one in a few hits.
I notice that your hypothetical golem is specifically loaded out to be an anti-Tartarian unit. That is a pretty good indicator of how good Tartarians are, as everything can be countered if you have the right counter. That Golem for instance - it is asking to be magic - dueled by some cheap astral mage. Then there are the anti construct weapons that can probably land a kill if given to so much as a Bane.

This isn't at all like some sort of low grade thug, or really low end SC that can pretty much be killed with whatever you have at hand. Take a Harbinger, your hypothetical golem could be equipped with the anti-tartarian load out above and probably still kill it. It could kill it with chaff clearing equipment. A Tartarian could do likewise, as could a Seraph, or a Chayot, or any other high end SC. When something needs its weaknesses specifically exploited even once something like a Golem is in play, that thing is clearly effective.
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