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Old August 4th, 2011, 05:48 AM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Fire bless useability (and death bless ?)

Fire arrows is relatively easy - there is a list of weapons which are affected, and no others are. I don't know the list offhand, but it includes most things you would want it to - short bows, long bows, composite bows, slingstones (I think), I think even thrown boulders. Notably it does not include poison bows, nor any magical bows.

Fire bless doesn't affect missile weapons. I *think* that Death bless also doesn't give the 2 AN damage on missile weapons, but it certainly does give the affliction bonus (in fact the affliction bonus applies even to spells cast by sacred mages!). Consequently a hail of arrows from death-blessed LA T'ien Chi sacreds will absolutely mess up elite enemies, giving them huge amounts of afflictions. I'm familiar with this from the sacred Asp Archers in my Tomb Kings mod nation - they are also sacred, and giving them a death bless is an effective strategy. Particularly good against e.g. giants, where there are small numbers of troops and afflictions are very bad news.
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