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Old August 7th, 2011, 09:59 PM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Damnit Spellcasting AI!

Originally Posted by Louist View Post
Well, things have only gotten worse. In testing, I found that the Eagle Kings refused to cast Lightning Resistance on themselves at the start of combat. Obviously, I thought, the AI doesn't see the point in going above 100 resistance. So I scripted my Eagle Kings to cast Iron Skin first, then Lightning Resistance, assuming that the AI would see that meager 25% and have no problem buffing it up.

How wrong I was. The AI still refused. Latest Wrathful Skies claimed 6 Eagle Kings.
That's disturbing. I would have expected them to gladly go to 200% resistance for you. It's not like 200% isn't allowed. I'm curious now and

...okay I just tested it. I empowered a be'reasoned wyvern (100% shock resistance and poison resistance) and sure enough it refused to cast Resist Lightning, even after Ironskin had been cast. Crazy!


Use copper plate, rings of tamed lightning, lightning rods, or some other such thing. Expensive!

Use Storm Warriors, which applies to everybody whether they like it or not. Not expensive! Downsides: You have to have researched it (or at least Thunder Ward). You have to carry a few gems around. AND WORST OF ALL it only brings your guys back up to 75% resistance. If you can cast Mass Regeneration (and also provide your kings with luck, if possible) then 75% might be more than enough. Or if you have a strong nature blessing and the units are sacred! Otherwise... I don't know.

Tell the mages to cast Thunder Strike five times, or whatever it is you want them to do, and then attack or retreat or fire (you'd probably have to forge them ranged weapons) or something. Probably not convenient, but it could save their lives.

I just tried using Stoneskin and it didn't work. My wyvern used Ironskin as soon as his script ended. Harder skins prevent softer skins from being applied, not the other way around.
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