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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:02 PM

aaminoff aaminoff is offline
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Default Re: 'Stillborn Noobs' Running

I PMd kuketski, who is playing Ctis, and got a response:

---Quote (Originally by aaminoff)---
Hi. Are you planning on submitting a turn in the next couple hours? Or if not and you are done with this game, please post something saying so on the forums. It's really frustrating not to know what is going on with a player.

- Alex, Machaka
---End Quote---
Sorry for disapearing, but yes, i thnk i cant continue playing dominions! ill post last turn =\

Well, it is up to LDiCesare. I feel like at this point we (team 2) have eaten enough of Pythium that it is difficult to see how we could not win. So I suggest we call it, or perhaps run a few more turns of Ctis vs Machaka just as a training excercise. Trying to find a sub for Pythium does not seem pointful.

- Alex
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