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Old August 25th, 2011, 11:54 AM
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Default YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Executor's Ulm winner on turn 76

Welcome to YARG3. The toughest and meanest arena , where the vets beat each other senseless .
This is a RAND type game. As in Random Anonymous No Diplomacy game.
Diplomacy or any form of communication is not allowed.

The game is not strictly targeted for vets but it is certainly not for green newBs.
More important though is your mettle. We want tough sons of *****es who won't go AI or stale on the first sign of trouble .
So try the following quiz:
A. I just lost a major battle. That sucks. Should I turn AI or start staling?
B. I just got gang banged by X nations. That sucks. Should I turn AI or start staling?
C. I just got attacked by stupid player XYZ, doesn't he see that it's an awful stupid move. That sucks. Should I turn AI or start staling?

If you've answered yes to at least one of them, then please join another game. YARG is not for the feint of heart. Here wars or fought the very bitter end.

Let's recap YARG history. Two games took place: YARG1 ( and YARG2 (

A titan towering above mere mortals. Shrewd and fierce. He has viciously crushed all opposition and put the world under his iron boot. All hail the glorious victor. I give you the YARG winners:
YARG1: Isokron
YARG2: Dimaz and Psycho

These guys have made to the end. They've endured constant wars and heavy beatings. They were rushed, attacked, gang banged and took pretty much any form of abuse known in dominions universe but they did not succumb. They resisted defeat and extinction to the very end. They are the last shred of hope to their nations and should the iron grip of the winner ever loosen they will rise again to put up the fight. I give you YARG iron man:
YARG1: WingedDog, Raiel, Executor , TwoBits, Dimaz, WraithLord
YARG2: Don Pablo, Slobby, WingedDog, WraithLord

This individual is wise and generous. His selflessness allows us to enjoy the game. He is there to make sure the game runs smoothly. We all owe a big thank you to our beloved admin.
YARG1: rdonj
YARG2: rdonj

YARG3 description:
This is a RAND game. So no diplomacy whatsoever. No posting here your identity, your nation or giving clues as to what your ID is. Nations are assigned randomly, or rather, since so many nations are available, assigned according to picks and luck.

I will maintain the game thread. I will create and end the game. However the game will need one or two volunteers for two things. First, to assign nations and second, to admin the game. W/O such volunteers there will be no game
Please note that during the game I'll be stepping back and will be just another player. Don't PM me re. admin. stuff.

Some of the settings are open for discussion, the rest are fixed and will be marked by bold font.
Map: Orania
Hosting Pace: First 15 turns every 24h, turns 15-30 48h, turn 30-45 72h, turn 45-60 96h, turn > 61 120h.
Considerate extension giving policy. Hosting is planned for busy ppl.
Mods: Y3_CB1.9 (CBM1.9 copy for this game, attached). ENP2.
Renaming: off
Research: difficult
Graphs: on
HoF: 15
Indies: 9
Disallowed exploits: copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
Killing own mages under Ankh or LaD to gain freebe mages and troops. It's ok in a battle but it's not ok to set it up on purpose (whoever likes to do it knows what I'm talking about). I'm no longer certain whether or not CBM1.9 has fixed this. If it didn't please don't abuse it.
Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement.
Era: MA
Nations: Land only. ENP2 MA+Vanilla MA. Assignment is totally random.
Victory condition: ~50% VPs == 9 VPs. Each capital has 1 VP visible on game map.
Pretenders should be given nations name!


Nation assigner:

FYI RE. Map (Thank you SL):
prov site
The 'Oak of Ages' would be replaced with 'The Motheroak'
and 'Mount Frost' would be replaced with 'Frost Vale'

1. WraithLord
2. Stagger Lee, Ruler of Arco. Defeated on turn 32.
3. TwoBits
4. Executor, Winner - on turn 76.
5. wonderloss, Ruler of Bandar. Defeated on turn 40.
6. ghoul31, Ruler of Abysia. Defeated on turn 27.
7. Slobby
8. don_Pablo
9. danbo, Ruler of Ashdid. Defeated on turn 54.
10. tratorix, Ruler of TC. Defeated on turn 40.
11. sansanjuan, Ruler of Arga Dis. Defeated on turn 48.
12. GFSnl, Ruler of Marignon. Defeated on turn 50.
13. mockingbird
14. Deadnature, Ruler of Pythium. Staling since turn 27.
15. Curious Yellow
16. Aethyr, subbed by Squirrelloid, Ruler of Man. Defeated on turn 24.
17. yandav, Ruler of Shangri-La. Defeated on turn 46.
18. Bullock, Ruler of Al-Nadim. Defeated on turn 29.

GL All and have a fun game
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Last edited by WraithLord; June 25th, 2012 at 01:53 PM..
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