Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. Discussion + enrollment. 17 players signed up.
ok. Map choices:
- Glory of the gods (multilayer version). Used for YARG2 and YARG1.
- AsiaTwist
- Alexander
- Westeros
Please vote or argue your favorite or bring other choices if you like.
Also, we can do this land nations only game. How do you feel about it?
As for nations pool, Dimaz you can use this list:
Abysia, Blood and Fire
Agartha, Golem Cult
Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim
C'tis, Miasma
Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
Ermor, Broken Empire
Jotunheim, Iron Woods
Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
Man, Tower of Avalon
Marignon, Fiery Justice
Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns
Pangaea, Age of Bronze
Pythium, Emerald Empire
R'lyeh, Fallen Star
Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono
T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
Ulm, Forges of Ulm
Vanheim, Arrival of Man
Shangri-La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters originally by Nounours, extended and maintained by Globu
Al-Nadim, The Thousand and One Nights by elmokki
Svarogia, Dark Forests by Executor
Arga Dis, Blood of Warriors by Sombre
Pythium, The Second Empire by Burnsaber
So either 28 nations or 25 land nations.