Originally Posted by krpeters
How many provinces per player are we looking for? 10? 15? 20? We're going to need a lot more players for Orania. But I think we are going to wind up with more than Rusty Nails can accomodate.
Personally I like big maps (20 provs) Counting 10 players, Orania comes out with 28 provinces per player (...big!) while Rusty Nails comes out with 15.5 provinces per player. RN really dwindles in size if more players come in. It is perhaps a good map for our current state, but not if we get more players in.
A bigger alternative would be Riverlands (with 24.5) that scales itself nicely up to 14 players and anything bigger than that is Orania.
Nah, I am going to set up the poll now ^^
edit: OK, voting is up. Let us see on exactly how big maps we will settle