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Old August 29th, 2011, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: Illwinter's next project

Originally Posted by Foodstamp View Post
I am sure a lot of effort went into the price, marketing and distribution of Dominions, but the business guy in me thinks the price was too high, the marketing not enough (not in money spent, but avenue), and the distribution dated.

I think it could have made more money on Steam/Impulse/GOG by cutting out Shrapnel, charging $19.99 and including the owner's manual in PDF. As far as marketing goes, the game is niche and most of the sites have built in marketing via "search for games like this one" or being able to list by genre. Once game started getting 5 stars or the equivalent, it could have been a huge indy money maker.

P.S. I know they have said in the past that they did the numbers and they felt it would have been less profitable; I still disagree.

I have looked for turn based strategy games since the glory days of MOO & MOM. I haven't played them all, but I generally find the good ones (HOMM up to 3, Disciples up to 2, GalCiv, Alpha Centauri & the Civs, a few others), and the bad (all too many). I found this game because an old genesis game that I loved, Master of Monsters (my other MOM), had been through a truly epic fail of a sequel, and every now and then I look for news about that game to see if a decent remake will ever be made. In all of my gaming experience, that was the only place I had ever seen the word "Firbolg". I always assumed it was a misspelling of some obscure legend (there were plenty in that game), so about two years ago I googled firbolg and found the celtic mythologies connected to the word. And something curious. A turn based strategy game with firbolgs! I lurked, dl'd the demo, and am now an upstanding member of the community.

What I'm saying is, I have no idea how I would have found this game otherwise.
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