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Old August 30th, 2011, 10:10 PM

jimbojones1971 jimbojones1971 is offline
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Default Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Pretenders phase(closed)

Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose View Post
Sorry, but I have never played multiplayer before, and dont know how this works. How do we join/ find the server, and submit pretenders?
Just a quick warning on a pitfall to avoid, BewareTheBarnacleGoose. When you create your pretender, you will need to make certain that you have the CBM 1.84 mod both installed and enabled.

You can see the mods you have enabled in the top right of the Dom3 screen when you first open the game. Make sure than CBM 1.84, and ONLY that mod is enabled before you create your pretender.

If you get the mods wrong, when the game starts you will get an error message from Dom3 on turn 1 basically stating that you have cheated and that your pretender has been "adjusted" (= totally nerfed).

Its not too big a deal for Lung Drago to unstart the game and let you resubmit your pretender (the other pretenders stay submitted, from memory), but best avoided if possible.

Once your pretender is done, you can find them in the NewLords folder under saved games (they'll be named after your nation - use the date stamp to find the one you just created). Create an email, attach your pretender, and then send the email as follows:
* address to send email to:
* email subject: INeedMorePower

Hope that all helps - otherwise, keep asking until you get what you need :-)
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