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Old September 2nd, 2011, 01:04 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.84

Psycho - Actually shortly after I posted that I realized exactly why I was wrong. Having actually thought about it more I'm feeling that there really was no purpose in getting rid of rods, since you can do the exact same thing with boosters. The question then becomes, how badly do we want to nerf the ability to build slave pools. If it's severe enough I guess we could leave them out and just keep using boosters to do it instead (which is totally worth it even at 25 slaves), or do we bring back SDRs at a bit lower price? I'm inclined to think that we should bring back SDRs, probably at something like 10+5 per rod so they can be forged at lower blood level, but still have a fairly appreciable cost compared to blood boosters. It would be better to just increase the price of blood magic across the board so that it's not just a one time thing that easily pays itself back over time, but I really question the sanity of trying to do an across the board increase to blood prices due to potential errors in judgement/bugs (along with just being a lot of work), so for the moment my vote will lean towards increased expense on the SDR.
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