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Old September 2nd, 2011, 06:50 AM

Lung Drago Lung Drago is offline
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Default Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Pretenders phase(closed)

Originally Posted by jimbojones1971 View Post

Given that Ermor's policy is to liberate the Proletariat from the drudge of every day toil by setting them on fire, then stabbing them repeatedly and finally raising them as undead minions to serve in the legions, I can only hope that we will have a happy and meaningful diplomatic relationship going forward Ms Luxemburg!

- Esmeralda the Good Witch of Ermor, aka Class Enemy Number One
Dear Esmeralda, the world is known to flow as a river, in it's set direction, at it's own pace. Life comes in and out of our world in it's own natural way. It isn't wise from a man or god alike to be fighting the flow. Unlife is only an illusion of life and it is a serious imbalance in universe. People of T'ien Ch'i, followers of The Way, are akin to protect the balance of this world by their own choice, and they will do so. Please keep that in mind.

Best regards,
Ariasa, the Two-Spirited, Four-Handed God-Emperor of T'ien Ch'i

Last edited by Lung Drago; September 2nd, 2011 at 06:58 AM..
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