Originally Posted by Dahis39
Originally Posted by PriestyMan
Originally Posted by Dahis39
How about a movable dome statue? Like a Juggernaut.
Im getting tired of four flames from the sky in one turn which just destroy any human army outside of their dome. 
Well you would hope that spending 140F gems would do some damage.......
I don't think three SCs can do the same effect. A movable dome really open up and enrich the late game gameplay. I'm really tired of SCs vs SCs and those giant troops and mages, which are the only army type u can bring out of your domes safely late game. QQ
I really don't think mobile domes would open up anything. Quite the contrary in fact. Let's assume we have mobile domes now. Well, any conceivable overland ritual you can cast is now effectively dead and useless. No need to spend gems on these. What else can we spend them on? Summons and SCs. People would still build lots of SCs, maybe even more now that a good deal more spells become more or less useless in the lategame and there's nothing else to spend gems on. Perhaps SCs would see more use in armies sitting under domes but... consider SC raiders hiding under mobile domes now. They're protected from rituals, so if you want to kill one you have to take a gamble and pray that your spells pierce the dome and then get lucky with whatever spell you were casting to kill it. Coincidentally this would make intercepting SCs even harder, as now you can't rely on teleporting anti-thugs to do the job.
Thus, in my opinion even if it were possible to make mobile domes (which, as previously stated, it is not), I can't see how it would do anything other than make matters worse.
Also if you're worried about flames from the sky, try using an army made of fire-immune troops. No you can't bring out a human army without it being potentially exposed to ruin, but if your opponent is spending huge amounts of gems killing your regular armies in that fashion, he's not doing something else with those gems, and is helping you win the gem war. But really in the late game gold is for buying mages, not armies.