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Old September 15th, 2011, 10:48 PM

BrodieSWR BrodieSWR is offline
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Default Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders

Well, if PriestlyMan chooses to play a land nation, it's gonna be a little difficult placing the start locations, unless of course you want to let them be random...

I drew the map with the intention of having 6 land players and 1 (optional) player in the ocean.

The current start locations were hand placed by me to ensure that all capitals were at least 4-5 turns away from each other and that they each had a minimum of 4 surrounding provinces and at least 1 farm for income.

There are currently 69 land provinces and 9 sea provinces. I can set 7 land spawns, but just to be fair, I need to warn you guys that it will be a very, very fast and brutal game, with many early conflicts, especially without diplomacy.

So it's your choice guys! Just let me know!

And by the way, I can edit the map... but I'd rather not. I already flattened the main .PSD file in Photoshop, so it wouldn't look as nice and might have seems somewhere in the ocean.

But, if you really want to, I can! You'd just have to wait another one to two days for it to be finished. :P

Anyway, everybody let me know what the deal is, and I'll set the start locations!
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