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Old September 16th, 2011, 10:15 AM

Sajuuk Sajuuk is offline
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Default Re: Well CBM1.9 is nice, but why no buff for Fomoria??

Well I have to say I can't find any reason to reduce the cost of glamour troops and commanders of those....faerie nations-they are powerful enough to crush most nations in first or second year,even giants and SC-pretenders could fall if they have high bless, reducing cost would only make them even more unstoppable....

True, their advantage diminish when time passes and researches of other country achieve their goals,so reduce the cost of their non-caponly commander, give them extra pick of path and give dwarf/bean sidhe forge bonus are all part of improve their end game survive capacity, but isn't that too much? 25% forge bonus WAS privilege reserved for ea/ma ulm,but see how poor their pathes are. Now dwarves would do much better than these smithes and so what is the advantage left for ulm? Blacksmith everywhere? honestly, who would need "that" much smithes for forge? Same reason for bean sidhe versus la ulm black priest. I agree that reduced cost for non-caponly mage and additional pick of magic are good or even essential buff for these nation, though.

And fomoria, yes, they are not even close to weak at endgames- presumely you have well settled diversity problems that did not trouble other giant nations. But too many caponly units are still annoying, who would train nemedian commanders after sencond or third year?

BTW, some nations, like ma tianchi or la bogarus really need some buff, especially for early game, rather than van or tir. And anybody feel strange to see fishes crawl the earth with no need to return to water? Apart of "imba or not" argument, it is just too unthematic. Perhaps treat them as Catfish and make them wither and die when leaving water like naiad away from their home province(if that is modable)? At least it might be painful for those abolith troops.
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