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Old September 16th, 2011, 03:22 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: Well CBM1.9 is nice, but why no buff for Fomoria??

Fomoria is crap imo. Only usable unit is that other sacred giant, unmarked?
The sacred giants are basically huge militia. They win battles because nobody can kill them with a nature bless not because they can kill anyone. Neif giants have cold and better stats too I think, while Hinnoms are just ****ing brutal and can't be overcome by any unit.
Any other unit besides the unmarked is hardly worth mentioning, mages also. Speaking of actual giants here.
Fir Bolgs are immensely better than any Fomorian unit, which I find weird since they're supposed to be something of a lesser race?

One unit that should definitely see more action are the Nemedian warriors but with two other and sacred cap only troops you're just never gonna buy them. And by the time you run out of money for giants and decide to switch to them, you can't produce any meaningful number.
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