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Old September 17th, 2011, 06:05 AM

Executor Executor is offline
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I don't think Fomoria is changed much by CBM, maybe just some summon prices.

Morrigans are hot! But I found a big problem with summoning them in MP games. They need Fomorian Kings to be summoned (either that or boosted D random Fomorian Druids) and you can only summon one at a time.
Frankly I don't remember anyone using them in MP. Tho I find using small raiding groups led by Nemedian Champions lovely! But than again you're unlikely to produce Nemedian Champions for more than the first few turns when you can't afford the Kings, and even than you're more likely to buy the Nemedian sorceress, which I guess is fine but they aren't priests. Don't know what to make of it all, and that damn sacred icon on Morrigans just angers me since the needed bless hardly applies to them.
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