Originally Posted by Valerius
Originally Posted by Sajuuk
Well, if using a standard W9F9 blessing,EA vanheim can still definitely rush 1 or 2 nations, at the cost of late games of cause, but those unlucky enough to be rushed have no late game at all  . So why not increase the cost of sacred troops AND decrease the cost of normal troops? Give those unlucky a chance 
F9W9 is not a standard Van bless. It used to be but since the nerf to glamour I've seen it used exactly once. I'm not saying you couldn't stage an early rush with EA Van but it's not worth that bless. CBM makes anti-rush counters available earlier and you're still only dealing with 15 HP units. You'd be better off with a light (thug focused) bless and just try to add more units to your rush attempt. And, you could just as easily pull off a rush with Mictlan or Niefel (both of whom have better late games) so I'm not really sure what makes Van so exceptional in this regard.
Also, that once would be me, and i did it for the lulz
Of course, i also scored a win as Fomoria using a scales + Nemedian Warriors strategy. Clearly Fomoria doesn't have to rely on blessing its giants. (Nemedian warriors are awesome, screw this 'no money' 'big bless' giants nonsense).