Thread: Do you use CBM?
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Old September 21st, 2011, 07:05 PM

TigerBlood TigerBlood is offline
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Default Re: Do you use CBM?

I like some parts of CBM, mainly the additions to certain nations.

I don't like change for the sake of change. Justification for excessive value fiddling in the name of 'balance' seems a bit disingenuous to me.

Some balance issues are entirely dependant on the type of game being played. Short, Blitz games require entirely different tactics and playstyles to grindfests on massive maps, for example. Any modification to balance one style of play, can have a major influence on the 'balance' of a different style of game.

Having said that, I'll still use CBM for some MP games. I'll have to adjust my play style, but that keeps the game interesting. I won't use the mod exclusively, though.

No disrespect to the people responsible for developing the mod, as they obviously put a lot of work into it. At the very least it keeps the modding community alive and active.
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