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Old September 22nd, 2011, 10:08 AM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Well CBM1.9 is nice, but why no buff for Fomoria??

While I don't think the HoF is relevant, personally I find Fomoria on the high end of the power scale and have done very well with them in mp. If you ignore the abysmal junk in their roster they still have some very good choices. All your cap only guys are very good (though I prefer the unmarked to the Fomorian giants most of the time). Probably not gonna recruit too many troops out of your secondary castles, but in a pinch mixed size 4 Fomorian warriors and size 2 Firbolgs are quite resilient. What they lack on the offense is more than made up by the real reason you want secondary castles - unmarked champions and druids. Pass out some frost brands and bows of war/thunder to the champions and boosters for your druids and your ouch layout rises considerably while your troops take forever to chop through.

Having 3-4 booster boosted druids summoning Morrigans is more than enough to give you a very considerable force. Every time you mass up 10 recruit a Nemedian champion (use the money you save on kings to put up more castles for unmarked champions), stick some winged boots on him and you've got an awe inspiring raiding force with the stealth + flying to easily combine with other raiding parties for bigger fights. If you've got the gems to kit the champion as an anti-sc they're virtually impossible to stop raiding without an enormous effort and 30 Morrigans showing up to help with the big fight is a serious tide turner. In my mp game my slowly massed morrigans were one of my more terrifying assets as they just really didn't die so I massed up quite a few over a couple game years.

Add in great recruitable SCs with cloud trapeze, thunderstrike, strong D, the best battlefield enchantment in the game, strong amphibians with sailing and virtually everything blessable - a very scary nation in the right hands.
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