Originally Posted by Strider
Right now, battles are melee units on front line (up to 20 in a line), any other melee units lined up behind them to take the place(s) of any getting killed. Ranged units and mages behind any lines of melee units. AI determines where the units are placed in lines. If the unit commander(s) are melee units, they are on the front line.
Units earn experience for fighting battles (or sitting with a 'training' commander.
Map colors look ok to me. Not sure what you may be expecting.
Monsters ain't my favorites...they kill my units  I found a Beholder once...it was an army unto itself. I ran away.
To me, it's a cross between COE2 and Dom3. I really like the way it plays. Testing Dom 3 was a lot of work. COE3 is a lot of work too, but I seem to be enjoying it much more. I'm not the guru that Gandalf and Edi are, so they can give a lot better details than I can.
Yeah, you're doing just fine. I've had to pay quite a bit more attention for the manual and
Units actually earn 1 XP Per turn anyway, but commanders with the right special ability boost that by an additional 1 XP per turn and they also get 1 XP per battle (assuming they survive).
Oh, and don't get me started on beholders. They're bad enough, but go right ahead and find yourself an elder beholder and see where THAT will do to your army. It has all of 3 HP less than a normal one, but it has better magic...
There's a normal beholder shown at the bottom of the CoE3 screenshots page here, so upgrade that a bit and there you go...
As far as unit placement in the lines, it is done by the AI, but there is a logic to it. That will all be in final version of the manual.
I expect the battle order to stay unchanged, meaning that defender will go first and both sides will do according to the sequence we've seen so far.