Originally Posted by Question
I meant use the generate map option to generate a map with no water...apparently you cant select any parameters for generating a random map...
There are quite a few options for random maps. Size, colors, amount of terrains, etc.
But since its a Linux game, more things are available on the command line than in the menus.
Here is the command switches (which are kindof hard to see in Windows)
And here is a long thread on how to use them in Windows for many things.
Changing Dom3 Defaults:
And here are some examples of using it with some of my favorite results.
My site has many examples of randomly generated maps
There are also extensive commands for modifying how a map plays which can be added to a map after its created. Often to provide variety or to boost the AIs. If you find yourself doing something often (such as allying all of the AIs against you) you can setup a batch file to generate a map and then append the changes to it.
Here is a quicky list of those commands
and a nations numbering list
the full documentation on map editing can be found in a PDF file in your dominions3/doc directory
and yes I also highly recommend the SemiRand program which makes use of all of that in a nice menu-driven program. It can make new maps quite interesting