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Old October 5th, 2011, 07:14 PM
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Soyweiser Soyweiser is offline
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Default Re: Adept's Balance Mod 1.00 ready

Also, s1 random hags are not that easy to get. You never have enough of those. (You want them sneaking around to prevent mind hunts, sitesearch, research (you are a blood nation, these suck at research), forging etc).

Also, the rainbow armor is not standard forgable by any of the heims. You need to work for that. (or put it on the pretender, which takes away a lot of pretender turns (who needs to be everywhere at once, and could even be sleeping/imprisoned if you have a bless (and you probably need one else your sacreds are worthless in the early game)). Pretender turns are never cheap.

Also, you put 20 nature gems on this unit alone, which are the best gems. And he isn't even fatigue neutral (3+3 from the quickness) quicken self already adds 21. But who gets 20 N gems to use like this each turn? You cannot outfit that many like them. Or you at least use up a lot of other gems.

And like people said, any fire/air spells kill them. Flaming arrows? And they are gone. Sure you can swap in an elemental protection ring. But where are you going to get additional fire and air magic? Without poison resistance you can stop their regen. Which also works nicely. (And tends to afflict).

Also, luck+eth only works cheaply for jotunheim, nief and utgard have less cheaper ways of getting astral. (nief has gygjas and utgard needs to build additional labs to build the mages). The hags are also easily sniped away (archers at front set to shoot large target/rear). And if you set them to cast cast retreat, you can only use the trick every other turn (And your retreat routes could get wiped). Also body eth+luck tends to miss if you do use gygjas. As they buff themselves first.

And if somebody starts raiding you back they can raid a lot quicker than you can with this setup. As you can only create one each turn. (and it uses a pretender turn, five fort turns (1 for the skrattir, 4 for the hag (at average)), and 6 mage turns, and 40 gems).

Without eth they get killed by cavalry charges.

A blood nation with lvl 8 blood can life for a life them. Or just wound them with with a flesh eater. +10 fatigue each turn. Bye bye!

Death nation? Hand of death! 40AN damage. Almost enough to one shot them. (A bit hard to use btw, but every once in a while you get lucky). But piling on enough fear might also do it. Morale 17 isn't great (according to the manual lone units get a penalty). Wailing winds, terror, fear aura's! Brave sir robin!

They get hit a lot, so they get afflictions rather quickly, and some really wreck them. (chest wound like above, blindness, armloss, crippled, never healing wound, etc). A chest wound deep in enemy territory just means you lose all the items. (as you transform to wolf form and sneak away, sure you could add scouts, but that is even more stuff you must recruit before your guys are workable).

And they can also be countered with the standard skelly spam, or put a lot of cheap chaff between them and the important stuff. Bigger SC with AP/AN weapons.

But yeah, they work, unless you go up against a fire/air nation, a death nation, or raiding nation, a heavy cav nation, a fire bless nation, a blood nation, etc. They can dish out a lot of damage but can't really take it. Sure they arrive early at the game. But so do niefel giants, or other recruitable SC chassis. Sure these are usually more expensive, but also have one other distinction. They are always sacred. Which adds even more powers.

Removing the hand slots just means one more thing. They do even less damage. I would then only use them as falling frost casters who cannot be killed easily. (give skrattir a water ring, and they can always cast falling frost, do they get hit bad? they transform into werewolves that run away).

You just don't like the skrattir do you?

On a different topic? Furies useless? I disagree, they did a number on my bloodhunters in Bootcamp. I lost a lot of blood random hags, high blood gygja's, and skrattir in that game due to these *****es. But that was using CBM, where the spell is moved waaaaay down in cost and research (lvl 6, 30 f gems, f4 n3). They poison like crazy, auto cast darkness. Lot of stuff dies to them. And them picking up a blood thorn did not improve things.
Also, how do you make them worse by letting them pick up items? Sure if they pick up 2 shields it is bad, but then they still have high fear and a poison aura. But most other items either don't do anything or they add to their abilities. And trying to kill somebody with 2 shields is hard, and the poison and fear aura make you run.

And squirreloid has a point. By putting fear on cheap recruitable unit you prove that you don't really understand balance. Or at least the fear mechanic.

And I don't think he is that insulting. Balance? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Squirreloid has a valid complaint there.

You brought up the insults and age thing.

Edit: I take way to long to type this stuff)
I'm acting like a high school girl /\
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