Originally Posted by Adept
In that sentence you can see the reason why I wanted them more giant werewolf, and less super thug. You think they are fine as they are, I think they are over the top and overshadow the actual giant troops.
You don't agree. I don't feel the need to convince you. Experiences are based on multiplayer games and research into the precice mechanics. Try them out if you're interested, if not just let it be.
I'd just like to note that I'm playing in Multiplayer as the Jotuns right now, and that wolfnerf would be enough to make me flat out not use them as werewolves because they'd be pretty much useless. By the time I got them ready to be worth hitting independents there wouldn't be any left, and they'd be overpriced fodder verses any player who ran into them. At least as falling frost spammers they'd be able to break even gold wise with their cost.