Re: Whoah theres a lot of micro management in this game
There are a number of ways to fight horrors, but by far the easiest is to simply not fight them. If you have astral magic, you can script the caster to cast returning and as long as they have gems, they'll return themself to your capital every time a horror tries to attack them. If you want to actually kill the horror, I suggest piling on as much +defense gear as you can so it can't hit you. For example, 2x sword of swiftness, a cat charm, boots of quickness, and chainmail of displacement would be excellent horror-killing gear. It also can't hurt to set some fear-immune bodyguards.
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP