Re: Whoah theres a lot of micro management in this game
Honestly Question, if horrors are ruining your game and you aren't having fun, why not just start another one? Especially if it's SP; it kind of sucks to just drop out of a MP game if you aren't on the verge of death but no one cares what you do in your SP games. I am currently playing 2 MP games (my first ever, which I must say are a lot more fun than SP with diplomacy and all) but I also like to have a SP game going just to mess around and try things out. The minute I stop having fun with it though (Pretender gets killed through some stupid event, the enemy shows up at my doorstep with an army of 750 troops in like turn 20), I just delete it and start a new one. They are good learning experiences for things like this, namely that horror marks, afflictions, and curses can really eff up even the most well designed and powerful creature, so it's best to just try and avoid them. At the same token, if you run into a game where the enemy is throwing some incredible SC at you, you now know there are ways to neutralize it somewhat.
Anyway there are a lot of quirks and such to Dominions 3, but if you like most of the basic mechanics, there is a lot of fun to be had. If you want to mess around with some extra-powerful units, try the AwesomeGods mod and the Epic Heroes mods; just tried them for the first time and loving them, though I don't know how imbalanced they might make a MP game.