Re: What is the path of blood for?
Well the high level battlefield spells are also great. All of them are either AN or death iirc.
Bloodletting: Everybody MR or take 1 damage (which is more in practice, as you get the random roll). Caster gets this as lifeforce.
Life for a life. 1 unit gets 40+ AN damage. range 100, prec 100. No MR roll.
Infernal Prison/Claws of Kokytos, one unit is banished into one of the hells. (removes him from the battle at least).
Hellbind heart. If the unit fails a MR save, it joins your side.
Rush of strength. All your units get more strength.
Blood rain. All units get lowered morale.
Call horror. Is your enemy horrormarked? Call a horror in battle.
The problem is that all these spells have high fatigue. So what do you do? Right, make a big communion, and use reinvigoration (removes fatigue, works on slaves). Bonus, communions boost penetration. And we all want more penetration now don't we?
You have something for every occasion. Facing SC's? Life for a life, and the banishment spells. Facing chaff? Blood letting with blood rain. (Using horde from hell to cut of the retreat route, bye bye army).
Facing heavy amounts of good sacreds. Well... a bit hard, but demons with blood rain (Blood rain does not effect morale 30 units) and rush of strength should help. But it is going to be hard.
And the hardest, lots of undead. No spells work directly on these.