Re: What is the path of blood for?
One note about (well two) blood battlefield magic.
Blood magic eats slaves like crazy. If you go for the sabbath communion, always give the sabbath slaves at least one blood slave. Else they will just take a blood slave from the battlefield and mess with your scripts. Which brings an important point. Blood slaves used for powering blood magic can come from anybody. One mage already holding 30 slaves but you want more? Put a commander with 30 more slaves next to him. The mage will now have 60 slaves to use in combat. And yeah, battlefield blood magic is very slave intensive. Using 100+ slaves in a large battlefield is not that uncommon. And what would you rather have? 20 more demons on the battlefield or 20 castings of bloodletting?
My second point. A lot of the high powered blood commander summons work very well with a reverse communion. Have a bunch of vampire lords set as a sabbath slave. Have some masters cast the elemental resistance spells, +mr, darkness, soul drain, mistform, invulnerability, etc. And last have one master cast reinvigoration. Boom! A lot of suped up vampire lords. (add darkness to the buffing mix!)
One note on reinvigoration. It can be a bit tricky to get your masters to cast this spell. It will only cast it if the master has some sort of fatigue itself. Having a b1 master with 2 slaves should do the trick. One slave for the sabbath master putting the master at 50+ fatigue, and one for the reinvigoration.
Well three notes then.