Time to specify the VC - from Quitti's initial post:
"Hold 1/3 caps (7 caps for 16+3) for 3 consecutive turns"
I've never been exactly clear on what exactly defines 'holding a cap' in these self regulated VC games. I presume it at least means being in control of (and not just besieging) the capitol's fortress, if there is one. Or does just controlling the province fulfill the VC (no need to actually storm the fortress - although that just seems too easy)?
If control of the capitol's fortress is necessary, is it also necessary to control the province as well? Or is holding the fort alone enough to count as control?
In games with established VP conditions (meaning VP locations built into the map), I'm pretty sure just controlling the cap fortress is enough to claim the VP.
Just wondering, cause, well, it's gettin' about that time...