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Old October 11th, 2011, 02:55 PM

Shadrach Shadrach is offline
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Default Re: Pointy Sticks MA recruiting

Originally Posted by Mightypeon View Post
I think Aran would be too small, and Cradle of Dominion too big.
What are your toughts on Parganos, Rusty Nails or Urrapparand?
I much prefer Plane of Rusty Nails to those other non-wrap maps. Is Ephraim still in as Atlantis?

Shatner, your theorycrafting doesn't take cost into account enough, especially for troops and blood hunting (which is more expensive than for Jotunheim and almost as expensive as for Pangaea, which is to say: really freaking expensive). Your factual analysis also contains a few mistakes. The two best recruit anywhere mages are old, and ~40% of Hidden Masters are old. The unique rainbows are all very expensive, and all the immortals have a starting dominion of 1. The 5 parry shield is not strictly better than a normal shield: it has less protection (12 vs 15). Their shortbows cost the same as indie shortbows and are not as cheap as Shin's 9g shortbows (which at 2r are also 1/4th the resources). You're also exaggerating their stealth capabilities, which are comparable with Shin's but not in the same league as Pan's. Actually, no, I take it back. Yetis probably bump them up to being a pretty good stealth nation.

All that said, Shangri-La is very powerful (especially if they don't get rushed), and after looking at them more I think they might be a bit too powerful to be fun. Also Van is a heck of a lot more straightforward, which appeals to me at the moment, so I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to Vanheim if that's OK with Mightypeon.
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