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Old October 12th, 2011, 04:17 AM

Colonial Colonial is offline
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Default Sprawling Empires: Intermidiate game, relaxed pace - Recruiting

So as I promised ( ), This is a game for intermediate players who are finding the don't have as much Dom3 time as they would like/used to.

I'm going to go with LA, because I like it, and with a large number of starting provinces per player, and therefore a bit of an epic pace, both because this style matches well with a slow game, and because I like it.

Without Further Adu:

Number of Players: 6-10
Provinces Per Player: 20-25 (map based on # of players)
Age: Late
Starting options: I'm going to say defaults, but i could be persuaded to make the world a bit poorer to make up for the large number of provinces. + Renaming
None of the more cheeky cheats.
Diplomacy: Lets say if you publish a NAP on the board, its considered binding, and if you break it we might organize a gangbang. Trades are binding.

Mods: CBM 1.9x, open to others.

Also, half a mind to host on Dom3minions, for the utility...


Colonial - Ulm
bgifu - Bogarus
TigerBlood - Pangaea

Come one, come all

Last edited by Colonial; October 16th, 2011 at 06:58 PM..
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