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Old October 13th, 2011, 06:53 PM

Hrum Hrum is offline
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Default Re: Whoah theres a lot of micro management in this game

Dominions3 seems to have a link back to classic greek storytelling in that there is a common element of tragedy to much of what happens. The fact that so much comedy also happens in many Dominions games only makes that case stronger.

Sometimes the tragedy and the comedy all come in one neat little package (losing the use of your best thug when he gets hero status and acquires Heroic Obesity! Amusing, and yet so tragic!).

None of your units are immune. And the stakes that your pretender is playing for simply increase the likelihood for an even greater tragedy in the end. Only one pretender is going to become the Pantokrator of [This World] - the rest are going to fall prey to all sorts of lesser fates along the way, including possibly being gobbled up by horrors.

Now, imagine the comedy (and tragedy?) of the pretender who becomes Pantokrator in spite of his insanely high level of horror marks. Imagine him being a weak little rainbow, who is killed on the first round every time he meets even a lesser horror - and yet his followers re-summon him time and time again.

"At last, all of these lesser religions have been wiped out! I rule this world!"

*Eater of Gods shows up*

"Not again!"


The Prophet of The Great and Most Persistent Re-Appearing Rainbow sighs. Time to get the priesthood together for more god summoning. Again.

Last edited by Hrum; October 13th, 2011 at 06:56 PM.. Reason: Editing after the fact...
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