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Old October 18th, 2011, 03:27 AM

Deadnature Deadnature is offline
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Default Re: Aridia- LA game for intermediate players

Originally Posted by Bjaarn View Post
...And yes the outcome screen says I lost but the battle clearly shows the opposite. Strange how this bug only favors you..
Yes, province 34. It's a known bug, look it up. If you want to believe the combat screen instead, that's fine but everyone else sees the fort as being owned by Midgard, so the result is very clear.

This bug doesn't "favor" me at all, it just misrepresents what really happened.

I resent your implication and would like to repeat that I'm willing to submit any and all of my turn files to a third party if I'm being accused of something.

I've had this bug happen to me before too (and I was also disappointed), I tried to politely explain it to you. Then you made your insinuations...

Edit: removed a rude comment
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