Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
1. A) Caelum is a bad choice if you want a decent chance to be eliminated early. Mammoths, high mobility, and air evoc is tough to tangle with until mid to late game when their weak troops and lack of diversity make them less threatening of an opponent. Players tend to target nations that are weaker in the early game and strong later, which is how at least I regard Tien Chi, and gang up on the brutally powerful nations such as Lanka, Niefelheim, Hinnom, and maybe Mictlan.
B) I've learned to plan low micro into my strategy. For me, that means a simple and effective expansion strategy with an easy path to SC's later. A handful of well equipped guys with high mobility just means less clicking. Knowledge of the game helps too. But, you also have to accept putting in turns that are far from masterpieces. Try to stick to no-diplo games. And, never, ever play a team game.
2. Children, jobs, school, etc. are all more important that Dom3. For the same reason you cite, I've had to bow out of a couple of games now during periods where my responsibilities waxed a bit. I for one sure don't blame you for making the same sound decision and appreciate you taking the time to find a sub yourself.
If your RL responsibilities allow it, I hope to play against you again one day. You are a good sport.