Re: Noobs are gone frenzY - Late Age - (Running)
I know I'm basically talking to myself here. But as the game is standing right now. You should not let me win. I''m bashed and battered heavily from the long wars I had. And while I have taken out R'lyeh, Ermor, and most of Borarus. (Yeah, I know you are still in the game, but that mad dash at my cap isn't working all that well now is it?).
You should be way more agressive. Abysia. Take what provinces you can have.
Utgard, my sekret ally, I think, dunno what you are doing. Start raiding all those provinces with temples.
Jomon. Why is that army standing still next to the former patala cap?
I'm horribly overextended, have negative gold income for every other turn. And still I feel that the pressure is not on enough. Be more fierce.
Of course. If nobody really cares to continue we could also call it a day. But I still think it would be easy to defeat me. I mostly only have the cap only mages which are pretty strong from LA atlantis I grant you that. But the rest is sucky.
I have few SC's. (Jomon has way more. (you really need to add antimagica amulets btw (those cyclopses... easy to kill. Any sc with 16 mr has a 50% chance of death vs one of my mind hunts. (eye of void gives +2 rune breaker gives +2 base 12). Or sneak/move a lot more astral mages around. I can mindhunt to easily. Jomon should be mind hunt immune. Same as bogarus, and actually all the nations in the game right now (apart from atlantis)).
Good try on the one person why is mindhunting my btw. Sure the earth king will not die from it. (I took additional precautions last turn, added a lot of scouts to him).
But I expect to see a lot more end game tactics. Where are the, 1 turn, you now lose all your non forted provinces attacks? The master enslave/undead enslave/all the other mass spells.
Also, you always want any of these spells to activate on turn one.
Another tip. Want to **** me over, dispell that Gift of health. Of course, now I have gathered a lot of new N gems for a recast, so expect to do it again.
Abysia, blood hunt and domsaccing perhaps? Your dom should be huge by now. You are the only dom sac nation left iirc. Also get those blood SC's.
I'm not saying this because I want to be a dick or something, but just because I see all this wasted opportunity that you all do not use. Throwing everthing at me piecemeal, allowing me to just snipe away at it. And not going after it massed. Jomon seems to be the only one really fighting.