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Old October 25th, 2011, 03:23 PM
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Default Re: Global Enchantments and Quickness

Originally Posted by shatner View Post
Hey folks, I have a few questions I was wondering about which I can't seem to find the answer to here on the boards.

1) When you cast a global enchantment, do you get any sort of bonus for having more paths than needed? For example, if an N6 caster casts Gift of Health (requires N5, costs 50 gems) and spends no extra gems to fortify the spell, is the spell still fortified because of the extra nature skill the caster has? Also, doesn't having extra astral make dispelling easier?
Iirc, extra paths add 5 gems to any dispel check. Only natural levels count (empowering also counts, levels from items do not). If you use items to get the levels you need (dispelling with a S1 caster with 2 S items for example) you do not get a penalty. Penetration items do not help with dispelling.

2) If you cast quickness on a commander, they can attack 1.5 times a round because quickness increases their AP by 50%. Does that mean a quickened, W9 blessed commander can attack 2x per round, since both of those effects stack to increase their AP by 100%? Furthermore, how many times per round can this double-quickened commander fire a bow or cast out of an item? Is there a flat AP cost for attacking/firing a bow/casting from an item (say, 10AP) or is it a relative cost? In other words, how exactly does having 50% or 100% more AP translate into extra attacks/shots/item-spells?
There are various sources of quickness, the spell, blessing and heroic ability, and items. I don't know how they all stack. (Kailasa and bandar{{verify}} have a quickness spell, but I don't know how much that this spell gives in quickness).

iirc, the bless and items give 50%, and the spell gives 100%. Heroic ability (which stacks with the other sources of quickness) gives various amounts. I don't think the spell, the blessing and items stack. As the spell gives 100% (and an attack and def bonus) this overrides the other sources. The boots and jade armor also give 100% quickness, and the attack and def bonus.

Hope that answers your questions.

(and yes, a heroic quickend hero can attack more than twice each turn).

3) Finally, is there a reliable way to prevent quickened bow commanders from running forward every round amidst their firing actions?
I thought they just fired twice? Sadly I'm not that experienced with quickness on bow users. Perhaps give them a spellcasting item and set them to cast. (They will use the item twice, at least when they have boots).
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